by TC | Feb 25, 2016 | Body Positive, Loving Yourself, Positivity, Self Help, TC's Big Adventure
My friend and mentor Linda Watanabe McFerrin read my last blog post and said, “Keats!” “???” I replied. It turns out the poet Keats (who died in 1821 at the tender age of 25) did a lot of deep thinking. “Several things dovetailed in my...
by TC | Feb 19, 2016 | Loving Yourself, Positivity, TC's Big Adventure
So I’m a mess today. I am still on a mission to sublet our house for a few to several months, then hit the road. I’m so excited about the possibility of hitting the open road and seeing friends I haven’t seen for years and meeting new people. The...
by TC | Feb 16, 2016 | TC's Big Adventure
Today’s request: if there is anyplace you think we HAVE to see on our travels, please let us know! We’re in a bit of a holding pattern as we try to sublet. We’ve had a couple of nibbles, but nothing has panned out. Subletting makes everything a lot...
by TC | Feb 14, 2016 | Body Positive, Loving Yourself, Positivity, TC's Big Adventure
Although I am in a very happy and loving relationship these days, lately I’ve been turning my attention to giving myself love. I went to a Hot Flashes reading last night for Left Coast Writers. The theme was “Love in the 21st century” so there were...
by TC | Feb 12, 2016 | Loving Yourself, TC's Big Adventure
So much is happening so fast and, for the first time, it’s all good! The BF & I made the decision a few weeks ago to pull up stakes in the Bay Area (boo). But moving to someplace with cheaper rent will allow me to pursue a free-lance career and focus on my...