My Blog


My Blog

Press Releases

Thoughts and Stuff

Read my latest blog posts by clicking on any of the titles below.

Self Love for the 21st Century. Happy Valentine’s Day.

Although I am in a very happy and loving relationship these days, lately I've been turning my attention to giving myself love. I went to a Hot Flashes reading last night for Left Coast Writers. The theme was "Love in the 21st century" so there were readings on zombie...

TC’s Big Adventure

TC’s Big Adventure

So much is happening so fast and, for the first time, it's all good! The BF & I made the decision a few weeks ago to pull up stakes in the Bay Area (boo). But moving to someplace with cheaper rent will allow me to pursue a free-lance career and focus on my...

Lilycat and Stuff: The Curvy Poet

I am so so so excited to share with you the link to the podcast I did last Sunday with the delightful Lilycat!  I had so so so much fun talking about Body Positivity, life, being Curvy, and, of course, performing my poetry.  And she starts the podcast with one of my...

Poetry Update!  Live!  Radio Interview!

Poetry Update! Live! Radio Interview!

Two new exciting events for Transformational Poetry lovers! On Sunday, 11/15/15, I will be interviewed on the Lilycat and Stuff Show ( It's FCC Free, y'all so you never know what will be said.  I will spend the first hour and a bit reading my...

Poem-A-Day for 30 Days

Poem-A-Day for 30 Days

Please join in!  Add a positive quote or quick poem to the  mix throughout the month.  I love inspiring quotes.  Post your favorite, or make up your own. A few years ago I participated in National Novel Writing Month and found it a challenging and exhilarating...

Body Positive Badass

Body Positive Badass

I'm a guest blogger! Very excited to be starting this new chapter in my life. Read about it here: Body Positive Badass