by TC | Jun 20, 2016 | TC's Big Adventure
So I arrived in New Orleans (NOLA for those in the know) and had the whole weekend to myself. Katy and I have catching up to do, and I’m pretty worn out. Katy is the kind of friend who you don’t see for years and when you see them, it’s like no time...
by TC | May 30, 2016 | TC's Big Adventure
After leaving Houston, we had planned on a few days in Lafayette on our way to New Orleans, where one of my best friends lives. I couldn’t wait to see Katy, so I hopped a bus and headed directly to NOLA while the BF drove Toa to Lafayette. I practiced...
by TC | May 28, 2016 | TC's Big Adventure
We left Austin on the Monday after the conference ended, heading for Houston. We stopped at a restaurant Rhae recommended and had a good southern meal (hamburgers with fried food) and kitsch for days as eye candy. Trust Rhae for a food solid. Next we hit the outlet...
by TC | May 19, 2016 | TC's Big Adventure
So we moved from Buda to Austin proper in preparation for the OpenStack Summit (read tech conference). Our first afternoon, we went to the recommended Chuy’s, a tex-mex restaurant with a little Elvis mixed in. We were seated in the hubcap room. Ironically, at...
by TC | May 10, 2016 | TC's Big Adventure, Uncategorized
So we’ve been just south of Austin for the last week, having chosen a home close to where a FB friend lives (Hi Rhae!). Originally, we were planning on making the drive into Austin, but instead we just hung around soaking up the (almost) rural Texas life. Rhae...