by TC | May 28, 2016 | TC's Big Adventure
We left Austin on the Monday after the conference ended, heading for Houston. We stopped at a restaurant Rhae recommended and had a good southern meal (hamburgers with fried food) and kitsch for days as eye candy. Trust Rhae for a food solid. Next we hit the outlet...
by TC | May 19, 2016 | TC's Big Adventure
So we moved from Buda to Austin proper in preparation for the OpenStack Summit (read tech conference). Our first afternoon, we went to the recommended Chuy’s, a tex-mex restaurant with a little Elvis mixed in. We were seated in the hubcap room. Ironically, at...
by TC | Apr 20, 2016 | TC's Big Adventure
We left Santa Fe on Monday, arriving in Austin Wednesday afternoon, a trip of 668 miles in three days. We stopped at Amarillo, lunched in Lubbock, stopped at Abilene (which I now know how to spell, since I had to look up lodgings online), then on to Austin, where will...